Campaign ran from 25.11.24 - 13.12.24

+++ take everything you see with a big pinch of salt +++

Photography by Ilona Pataki, Model Lena Pozzo di Borgo
whose words decorate your forehead, your chest, your back?
who screams their opinions out of your clothes?
what do you say when you wear them?

i don't think we consider these questions enough.
we seem to accept the options that are given to us, and are happy to choose between them.
but very few people feel fully represented by any one of them.

that's why i would like to invite to start your personal little revolution.
vandalise the option, so that it is neither one nor the other.
deform it so that someone else's words become your own.

you could just buy art.
but i think the world would be much more interesting if instead people just started to
mAkE aRT AGaiN.